The incredibly popular baby dragon/creature naming contest has officially ended.
Here are the winning names for the three pets:
1) Kiran named the baby dragon ‘Frost’, sometimes calls it Frosty. Kiran has an ironic sense of humor, you know!
2) Goban has an ugly two headed raptor bird/beast for a pet. Goban named one of the heads ‘ Kiki’ short for Kikiboo, and the other head ‘Mr Squinkles. The fact that one head sounds more like a girl’s name, and the other head a boy’s, throws Tom for a loop when Goban introduces them.
3) Mab (the wacked fairy queen) named her ferocious pet zanderbeast ‘Bubbles’. Think giant claws, slime dripping from razor sharp teeth, armored spikes around its neck. Scares the you-know-what out of trolls and ogres, as well as elves, dwarves, and humans, but acts like a pouty puppy around Mab. You’ll have to read the book to find out why she named him Bubbles.
Prizes: each winner will receive an autographed and dedicated Advanced Readers Copy of the book. Plus their names will appear in the acknowledgments page, thanking them for their wonderful and creative creature names!
Thanks again to all the kids who sent in over a hundred and sixty fabulous names!